Valbrook Town Map. Descriptions below

Valbrook is one of two major towns in Butte County, which was established
shortly after the Civil War. The story goes that Malachi Wolfe and his
partner, Ulysses Butte, stole a load of Confederate gold and fled to a
remote location in the South. The two planned a great community, but
their relationship quickly soured. They walked 15 miles from each other
and erected their cities in opposition. Valbrook lost the contest for
being the county seat, which influenced the name of the county—just one
of many points in the continuing conflict of the two families.

*: Butte County Courthouse

    Talk about the oldest building in Valbrook--this used to be one o' them old Spanish missions back before the war. You know it used to be a fake stop on the Underground Railroad? They had a little iron prison installed at the top to keep slaves from runnin' away. Now it's the perfect office for super-strong vice-mayor Spanky, since he can't destroy it!
    Incidentally, this is the one place you'll never find Mayor Dean--he's plum too busy to sit around doin' his job all day!